Saturday, February 17, 2024

Limeys STILL PO'd About That 1776 Thing

 We all know that the U. S. has been a good and faithful servant of England ever since we threw them out--again--in 1812.  We bailed their asses out in WWI due to a lying Wilson's perfidy against US's plain interests; then Roosevelt had to invent "attacks" on the US so that we bailed them out again in WWII.

It's a "special relationship," alright.  They call the tune, the US provides the money and the bodies.

Wauck found out how they pay us back for all that:

By helping the Deep State screw Donald Trump.  At least twice.

...Larry explains how the Brit NSA—GCHQ—passed “unfiltered and unmasked” communications collection to the US. The point here is that GCHQ doesn’t labor under the legal restrictions that the USIC does—FISA and the 702 provisions. Don’t laugh. Those provisions of US law may be honored in the breach, but they are a real irritant for the USIC because, first, they slow down the process of accessing and using the data, and second, if the provisions aren’t followed the data can’t be legally used. However, if the exact same data is provided by GCHQ—and I am reliably told that GCHQ has all the reach, and maybe even more, that NSA—then it can be used without any of the US legal irritants and restrictions....

Of course, we have a traitor here named 'Wink'n'Nod' Brennan who activated the Brits.

The Brits played a dangerous game; after all, if it became obvious that they were spying on Trump and a crap-ton of other US citizens who backed him or who had 'other objectionable positions' like going to a Latin Mass, well--we might tell the Brits to take a flying leap into Ukraine.  So what motivated them so strongly?  

The money.

Wauck quotes Larry Johnson:

... I think the answer to that is pretty simple, straight forward and self-evident. Trump’s policy positions on Syria and NATO represented direct threats to British [MONEY] interests. In Syria, Trump expressed a willingness to side with Russia in defeating ISIS and to withdraw the U.S. from the business of nation building. Trump also turned over the apple cart of status quo foreign policy by stating quite plainly that NATO was an anachronism and needed to be given a good, hard look. Anyone want to argue that our British cousins were comfortable with these policy shifts?

Therefore, it is not a train to crazy town to suggest that
GCHQ and MI6 were more than willing to lend a hand in helping take out Trump. Could that be one of the key revelations coming down the pike in coming weeks.

Wouldn’t that be a shocker–learning that the Government of Great Britain was working hand in glove with U.S. counterparts to sandbag Donald Trump and his Presidency?...
No, it wouldn't.  And, by the way, it's more than likely that England will be doing their damndest to prevent another Trump presidency.  Count on it.  Watch for "Big Threat Stories/Fiction" coming from that miserable island, designed to scare voters away from The Donald.

Of course, when he does secure re-election, the jig is up for England.

Good.  Screw 'em. 


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