Saturday, February 17, 2024

Notice What She Did NOT Say?

Fox 6 ran a story about the "EV" stickers you are required to use if you have a hybrid or EV.

The video of the story is here.  Listen carefully to what she says.

Got that?  Good.  Now read the text of the story below the video-replay at the top.  Here's the part she skipped:

 ...This Wisconsin law was passed in 2023 for the safety of first responders when dealing with electric-powered vehicles in emergency situations. First responders will be able to quickly identify the vehicle as having electric components by the orange and black "EV Hybrid" sticker....

There are specific extra steps required for first responders to safely extract people from the vehicle and/or put out a fire.

But we certainly don't want our viewers to know about that because...........greengoddess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DAVID BLACKMON: The Terrible News For Electric Vehicles Keeps Rolling In

………Recent studies by Emissions Analytics find that, “comparing real-world tailpipe particulate mass emissions to tire wear emissions, both in ‘normal’ driving, the latter is actually around 1,850 times greater than the former.” This is a big problem for EVs due to their far higher weight than comparable gas-powered models. This added weight causes their tires to wear much more quickly, significantly increasing their per-unit rate of particulate emissions…….

Link 1

Link 2