Thursday, May 07, 2020

Will Evers Continue His Killing Spree?

Tokin'Tony's killing spree, promulgated by his Abortion Barbie staffers Gau & Palm, is becoming noticeable.  Forcing hospitals to postpone cancer screens, tuberculosis screens, heart operations, depopulating emergency rooms, forcing crippled people to 'live with it' instead of replacing knees and hips.... can and does have fatal effects.  That's all on Tony.

(To abortion fans like Tony and his gals, deaths are just fine, of course.  Don't let them fool you.)

Anyhow, the President of the Wisconsin Hospital Ass'n decided to speak out.  That takes nerve, as Tony can hurt the hospitals through rate-regulations if he wants to.

That means this is serious.

Wisconsin Hospital Association President Eric Borgerding says COVID-19 is not stressing the state’s health care system, though WHA isn’t weighing in on when the economic reopening should begin. 

“COVID-19 continues not to stress the health care system in any really urgent or significant way,” Borgerding said today during a call hosted by Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce. 

He acknowledged “little mini surges” in regions of the state have translated into a temporary increase in hospitalizations, but said Wisconsin’s health system overall has enough capacity for the foreseeable future. ...
Tony and the Barbies have already sent the message:  "Nice little hospital/practice you have here.  It would be a shame if something were to happen....."

On the other hand, hospitals and docs--and nurses--have a helluvalot more 'public approval' than does Tony and the Abortion Babes.

Glad to see WHA finally played its hand!!

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