Saturday, May 09, 2020

Massive Paul Ryan FAIL

Matt Gaetz asks why Paul Ryan blocked Republican subpoenas of the perps (Obama administration officials, FBI, CIA lying scumbags, etc.) back in '17 when they had the power to do it.

Damn good question for the "honest boy from Janesville," no?

Or maybe he's not-so-honest............hmmmmmm?


Anonymous said...

Because Ryan and Gowdy understood that Goetz loves fishing expeditions. That is why both left office, they realized the Trump train would eventually get off the rails.

Dad29 said...

Ryan and Gowdy recognized that they weren't MAN enough to stay in the ring.

Donald R. said...

Gowdy was a good talker, saying all the right things for his conservative constituents to hear, but never actually accomplished anything for the cause of freedom in this country.