Monday, May 11, 2020

Cuomo Reverses His Kill-Order in NY

The man touted as the Dem nominee for President (Biden will go away) is reversing his previous order which likely resulted in hundreds of deaths from WuFlu in New York State.

Patients in New York hospitals must now test negative for the coronavirus before they can be discharged to nursing homes, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday — partially reversing a policy that forced sickened seniors into facilities housing those most vulnerable.

“We’re just not going to send a person who is positive to a nursing home after a hospital visit,” said Cuomo during an Albany press briefing. “Period.”

The ruling partially overrides a controversial March 25 order that nursing homes cannot deny admission or readmission on the basis of a positive or suspected COVID-19 case.

That policy has been roundly criticized as counterintuitive for forcing coronavirus carriers into nursing homes, even as Cuomo has repeatedly acknowledged that seniors are among those most susceptible to the virus....
NY Post quoted at Zippers

So now his (D) credentials revert to promoting abortions and power-tripping.  Should be good enough for the nomination, no?

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