Saturday, January 05, 2019

Taki Rants Good Rant!

Taki, like our President, is not currently in the running for sainthood.  But like our President, that doesn't mean he's wrong about everything.

So when he wrote an essay about the NYSlimes' total hatred of the Catholic church, we have a few very good takeaways.

...The New York Times is an American institution, but also a malignant and subversive influence among the rich New Yorkers who follow its message. The Times’s pet hates are heterosexual white men, Christians in general and Catholics in particular....

The Catholic Church’s sexual scandals are manna from heaven for the Times, a paper that downplays child molestation which has been rife among the Hasidic community in view of the fact that a sizeable part of its readership is Jewish. Times coverage of the police is extremely critical, the armed forces ditto, while black and Hispanic crime is always reported in a manner that shows the perpetrators to have acted as a result of their underprivileged background and of white racism....
So--of course--Taki is accused of "anti-Semitism" because he mentions ....Yes, well, Taki's wrong; the NYT actually does cover Hasidic child abuse. 

But let's look at the "facts" the NYT's people believe.

...When I said that the clerical homosexual scandals that have plagued the Catholic Church recently were by and large a product of the liberal and modernist spirit that hijacked Vatican II, the Times person blew a gasket. Without a citation from an authoritative source, my know-nothing adversary claimed that the Church permitted the molestation of minors – as big a lie as the one concerning the Elders of Zion and then some....
And the NYT complains that Alex Jones is a nut-job?

Taki also mentions a certain columnist who is desperately trying to sell a book.

...This was typical of a mindset that prevails nowadays, as it does also in a magazine that was founded by yours truly, one I am no longer associated with. In The American Conservative, another such fool claimed to have left the Catholic Church not because they had any theological argument against it, but because of an emotionally charged reaction to the clerical scandals.....
'Nuff said on that...

Moving on, Taki has thoughts on Francis I.  They are not friendly.

 ...Pope Francis has in four short years set the church back on a course of broad politicisation and moral relativism. He has also promoted gay priests – something the wonderful Pope Benedict had ordered stopped. He has also denied the saintly Dalai Lama’s request for an audience and he opposes the Latin Mass. Last but not least, he wants open borders.

This is political grandstanding of the worse kind, and the Argentine Pontiff also gets it very wrong when it comes to global poverty. The share of those living in extreme poverty, according to the World Bank, has shrunk from 44 per cent worldwide to under 10 per cent the last four decades. More than a billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty, yet the Pope’s message is the rich are not giving enough. No wonder the New York Times and other anti-Catholic publications and writers are never short of anti-Catholic stories....
The Pope is guilty of far worse than 'political grandstanding,' although as Taki observes, the Pope provides a nice opening for such as the NYTimes to launch their attacks, whether incredibly stupid or not.

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