Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Extortion-Deprived Politicians Hate Trump

One of the reasons that politicians (of BOTH stripes) hate Trump is money.

1) Extortion-by-Threat of Legislation or 2) Extortion-by-Threat-of-Regulation were mainstay fundraising scams run by Congress. 

Oh, the legislation and regulation is still a threat, of course.  But to maximize the campaign-dollar haul on any threats, politicians needed several months, or years, of time during which they could wring blood from various interest groups.

Trump simply moves too fast for that sort of extortion to be fruitful.

That's why McConnell refuses to call a reconciliation vote on the Wall.  If he were to do that on January 4th, the proposal would become law on the 5th.

But it's worth far more money to (both) sides to draw this thing out as long as possible....

Yes, there are other reasons for politicians to hate Trump; he made fools of most of them, like Paul Ryan, for example.

But money is very dear to the hearts of those snakes.

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