Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Obama Lied. Fish Swim. Sun Rises and Sets.

Joe Wilson may be impolitic, but that's a virtue to many of us.

...The South Carolina congressman was pilloried in 2009 for shouting “You lie!” at the president in the middle of a national address after Obama claimed the health care bill would not cover illegal immigrants.

But Wilson is claiming some vindication after the Health and Human Services Department awarded millions to “migrant and seasonal farm worker” health care — a spokeswoman in the department was cited last week saying patients would not be asked about immigration status and an department official confirmed Monday that the centers receiving the grant money must offer primary care to “all residents” in a given area. --Gateway quoting Fox News

Today, Obozo takes his $2.2 million in taxpayer-owned buses to campaign  "listen" in Iowa. 

1 comment:

hormone replacement therapy said...

this legal immigrations making things worse here in America. A good step from Obama not to cover the illegal immigrants.