Thursday, August 04, 2011

Bang-Slam GREAT Goes Viral

PowerLine reports that their "Doorbell" video which I mentioned here has taken off with a very steep curve; it's viral.

(Yup, it all happened after I posted about it....)

Even though PowerLine did not grant this video first prize in their contest, I suspect it will be, by far, the most popular of the entries over time.

Reason? Grandparents. As Herman Cain mentioned, grandparents think not about the future for their children specifically; they think about the future of the country as a whole.

Which is why I always BUY MORE AMMO!!


Display Name said...

Hmm. Liberals say they're looking out for the childen, the country, and the future, and you ridicule them. Now Cain says it and he's a wise old man?

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Liberals want to murder the children, ruin the country, achieve a socialist future, and are ridiculous.

Courtesy of the Lefto-Translator

Anonymous said...

Why are you so racist John?

Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said...

Liberals say a bunch of shit. Very little is true. If they cared about the children, abortion on demand would be illegal. If they cared about the children, they would have cut the debt rather than raised the debt ceiling. If they cared about the children, they would GTF out of the way and let business get back to business so those children might have good jobs some day. Want me to go on?

Anonymous said...

Where was the concern for the children when Bush ran up $7 trillion on the gummint credit card? Now Dickman gets a spine? Whatever.

Dan said...

"Liberals say they're looking out for the childen, the country, and the future"
Please tell me John, how are they doing this?

Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said...

Anony-shit-for-brains: If you ever bothered to read any of the stuff I posted on the topic, you would know I was against that too, so go f-yourself.

TerryN said...

So does go f-yourself mean I'm defending my side of the argument?