Monday, June 20, 2011

Congress Should Neuter EPA Over Air-Quality Fantasies

Well, SCOTUS ruled.

The Supreme Court blocked a federal lawsuit Monday by states and conservation groups trying to force cuts in greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.

The court said that the authority to seek reductions in emissions rests with the Environmental Protection Agency, not the courts. The ruling was 8-0.

EPA said in December that it will issue new regulations by next year concerning power plants' emissions of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.

This CO2 thing is fantasy, not fact. While SCOTUS left a door open (allowing a suit AFTER the EPA sets out its regs), Congress should simply cut off EPA at the pass, removing their "ability" to "control" CO2 by law.

By the way, PowerLine (unlike AP) makes clear who's who in this case. It was the GreenWeenies, not just 'states and other interest groups.'

...In American Electric Power v. Connecticut, the Court ruled 8 - 0 (with Sotomayor recusing) that environmentalists cannot bring a common law nuisance suit against power plants for greenhouse gas emissions because such suits have been pre-empted by the Clean Air Act and EPA regulation, which of course was the result of an earlier successful environment lawsuit, Massachusetts v. EPA in 2007. So now we have environmentalist lawsuits colliding with one another and tripping over their own political and legal incoherence.

Naturally. "Coherence" is not the middle name of the Wacky Left...

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