Monday, September 20, 2010

Seriously? Seeking Porkulus for Civic Project is "Evil"?

The Feingold slime machine wants to show us that Ron Johnson is a "hypocrite." To do that, they point out that Johnson inquired about the possibility of Porkulus funds to fix the roof of an Oshkosh landmark while Johnson served on the restoration effort's Board--or some such association.

Be serious, Feinie-Slime.

Anyone who has EVER served on a non-profit Board will tell you that if you have to find large money, you automatically check for Gummint programs which may help. It's a given. It's part of the drill, just like meeting with local money-sources (such as Johnson, who ponied up more than a few bucks for the project from his own pocket.) Gummint moneys are not necessarily the best moneys, but $11 million is a lot of bucks for Oshkosh.

So the Feinie-Slimers are now hitting on Johnson for suggesting that the renovation bunch do its DUE DILIGENCE?

Unlike US Senators, private-sector people cannot simply Order the Creation of Money and Debt to finance worthwhile civic projects. So they have to explore all the options available.

But I guess Feinie/Slimeys don't get that 'private sector' stuff, eh?

HT: FoxPolitics

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Anyone who has EVER served on a non-profit Board will tell you that if you have to find large money, you automatically check for Gummint programs which may help."

So Johnson should have taken advantage of government programs because they exist, then later complain during his campaign about how costly those programs are which exist. Spin city, here we come!

How about first and foremost focusing on private charities and foundations!