Saturday, April 11, 2009

Feel the Love: One Brit Opinion of Obama

He ain't the Lightworker in England.

...Then came the dramatic bit, the authentic West Wing script, with the President wakened in the middle of the night in Prague to be told that Kim Jong-il had just launched a Taepodong-2 missile. America had Aegis destroyers tracking the missile and could have shot it down. But Uncle Sam had a sterner reprisal in store for l'il ole Kim (as Dame Edna might call him): a multi-megaton strike of Obama hot air

...Watch out, France and Co, there is a new surrender monkey on the block and, over the next four years, he will spectacularly sell out the interests of the West with every kind of liberal-delusionist initiative on nuclear disarmament and sitting down to negotiate with any power freak who wants to buy time to get a good ICBM fix on San Francisco, or wherever. If you thought the world was a tad unsafe with Dubya around, just wait until President Pantywaist gets into his stride

While that may be a bit heavy-handed, the author makes a couple of other points:

1) Obama got zip, zero, nada, zilch from the Euro-types for his 'multi-national stimulus plan'; and 2) He got about the same for his 'multi-national Afghan forces' plan, too.

Not exactly what he intended. In fact, the White House folks are reduced to telling us that 'he planted seeds,' with the hope that there would be a 'harvest' downtrack, sometime, someplace, Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

Or, of course, we could simply pull the troops out of Europe. Right?

HT: Confederate Yankee


Billiam said...

I agree, that it's a bit heavy handed. Yet, is it not better, on a twisted level, than a "pantywaist" who feels that he has to 'act' tough, to show he's not a 'surrender-monkey'? That type usually winds up making things worse, ie; Carter/Iran and Clinton/Mogadishu. They, Carter/Clinton, were unwilling to seriously commit to the necessary action needed, and thus, failed horribly. They were too worried about collateral damage and world opinion.

J. Strupp said...

"Yet, is it not better, on a twisted level, than a "pantywaist" who feels that he has to 'act' tough, to show he's not a 'surrender-monkey'? That type usually winds up making things worse, ie; Carter/Iran and Clinton/Mogadishu."

...and you reference Carter and Clinton as examples?


Billiam said...

Well, I suppose I could've mentioned Reagan for pulling out of Beirut, which only made things there worse, and made us look weak. He was marginally better than the two mentioned overall, though.