Saturday, June 03, 2006

No Temporizing in Cleveland


The New Broom Bishop Richard Lennon gets down to work in less than 2 weeks:

You may know that Archbishop Pila has been succeeded by Richard Lennon, late of the Boston Diocese. It sounds as though there is a crackdown on everything that looks progressive. The letter below is a request for badly needed help.

Faced with an enormous challenge, we turn to you, one of our special friends, to ask for help.

For 15 years, FutureChurch has been able to devote maximum resources to our educational and advocacy efforts because our offices have been in very low-cost parish based space.

Now, we have been asked to move out of the rectory basement that has been our home for 8 years. We must find new space by August 1st and know that we have no choice but to find commercial rental space. Doing so will have a significant impact on our operating budget.

There is no possibility of finding space in another church. Diocesan officials have made no secret of their desire to deny FutureChurch access to church property for our activities – including educational programs and prayer services.

As you know, we are hard at working at expanding our Mary of Magdala celebrations to include a post card campaign to urge that bishops welcome women as proclaimers and preachers of the Gospel. We are also collecting signatures on a letter to Bishop Wuerl, a member of committee drafting the Pope’s Post-Eucharistic Synod with the hope of encouraging the Vatican to adopt meaningful solutions to the priest shortage. We are also moving full speed ahead on our newest advocacy project, Save Our Parish Communities, designed to give Catholic parishioners tools to meet the challenges of maintaining vibrant parishes in a time of fewer priests and closing parishes.

This is the standard agenda, minus explicit reference to homosexual wish-list items.

Next: removal of the "Rainbow Flag" from Diocesan websites. Burning would be fine.

HT: ProEcclesia

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