Monday, October 14, 2024

Why Did We Fight the Iraq War?

 Next question:  are you SURE?

Maybe there was another reason.

    ...Gary Vogler is a 1973 West Point graduate, retired army reserve lieutenant colonel, retired ExxonMobil executive with 21 years, five months of Iraq oil planning at Pentagon followed by 75 months in Iraq under DOD – appointed Oil Minister during first 10 days in Baghdad in April 2003....

...Vogler exposes the “Israel Cabal”—yes, he and LJ use that term. He names names: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith (“the f*cking stupidest guy on the face of the earth” according to Gen. Tommy Franks), Scooter Libby (lawyer for Marc Rich). Vogler is the guy with the inside knowledge. The guy who can tell us about Wolfowitz spending up to two hours every single freaking day in closed door consultations with officials from the Israeli embassy (can you say, Mossad?). The guy who can tell us that the gas fields off the coast of Gaza—in other words, that belong to the residents of Gaza—are the largest in the Eastern Mediterranean. They’re being seized by Israel. If Israel can pull off their war on Lebanon, they’ll be seizing more offshore gas fields....

And so?

  ...This book recounts how neoconservatives inside the Bush administration worked secretly with the Israeli lobby and the Israeli government to satisfy Israel’s energy needs. Israel has significantly benefited since the 2003 Iraq War, while our country has incurred significant costs. The events, assessments, and conclusions described in this book are from Mr. Vogler’s personal experience....

The cheap oil for Israel lasted until sometime in 2023.

Interesting, no?

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