Friday, October 11, 2024

Charlie Sykes vs. Trump. Why?

It is said that Charlie Sykes is a "conservative."  

Maybe--and maybe not.

Charlie is one of a thick nest of NeoCon spiders around the country.  Those are people whose fathers were Trotskyites.  (Communists.)  Does being a NeoCon have something to do with Charlie's TDS?

Maybe.  But maybe it has to do with Trump's disinterest in grinding Russia to dust.

...Michael Hudson, who was well acquainted with Trotskyites, has long maintained that the war on Russia is driven in major part by ethnic (i.e., Jewish) grievances and a desire for revenge on Russia and Russians. It’s not an accident that Neoconnism is driven by Jews with Polish and Ukrainian backgrounds.

The hatred for Putin is based on the accurate perception that Putin rescued post Cold War Russia from the looting by Russian Jewish “oligarchs” and their Western accomplices. Putin is hated for thwarting the big picture goal of partitioning Russia and restoring Russia to Big Power status.

The hatred is not directed at the “Russian system”—whatever that might be. The hatred is directed at Russian culture and the Russian nation, as Hudson correctly perceived.

The goal is not the “destabilization” of Russia. The goal is the partition and subjugation of Russia. Ukraine is no more than the first step, and Putin is hated for stopping that first step....

No matter the libertarian/Homo Economus blather, it's not always about the money.  Sometimes it's about history and culture--an area in which the US State Department and many Presidents are quite un-informed. 

So.  Does Charlie want that Orthodox Christian culture of Russia to disappear?

Ask him.

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