Sunday, March 03, 2024

Gone: McConnell, Ryan, Biden & Schumer

Wauck presents an interesting juxtaposition on the political scene.

First, the set-up, presenting McConnell, Biden (and Ryan, and Schumer) as they really are: the front face of Vox Day's "Clown World."

...The only thing the McConnell-led GOP had going for it was its opposition to Obama. And the only raison d’etre Biden has is to stop Trump. These are photographic negatives as leaders. They occupy the space that real leaders occupy, yet their purpose is not to lead but to arrest. In some circumstances, that can be a modestly conservative function, but following the exposure of the present American elite’s comprehensive strategic and moral bankruptcy—amid the Iraq War, the Great Recession, and the cultural revolution that has swept over the nation since then—it’s more obvious than ever that great change is necessary to conservation. That change begins at the top with the removal of leaders like McConnell and Biden....

We would add that the bankruptcy of 'the olds' includes its willing crusade to bankrupt the US with debt, something with which Trump also seems very comfortable.

Now the fun begins!

...The third parties combined — No Labels, RFK Jr., Libertarian, Cornel West and Jill Stein — could collectively take upwards of 20% of the vote like Perot in 1992. But they will principally take votes from the Democrats, the reverse of what TR did to Taft in 1912.

This would guarantee a landslide victory for Trump like Nixon in 1968.

It’s impossible to predict exactly how events will unfold. But it’s not difficult to see a wild election season with six credible parties fighting state-by-state and confounding the customary polls and pundits....

We will be watching the "reliable, accurate" Marquette poll as the weeds become deeper with the addition of one (or more) of those third parties in Wisconsin.

The upcoming battle for Senate Minority Leader will tell a lot about the viability of 'the olds' (Cornyn, Thune, Barasso) vs. Senators like Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton, and J.D. Vance.  

Notable:  neither Biden nor Schumer has read the tea leaves as well as did Paul Ryan and McConnell (not to mention Romney.)  Biden and Schumer are dead men walking, gripping the '60's as tightly as possible.  They are going to be seriously spanked in November, which will cause a good deal of angst among the (D) money trees, and more important, the Blob/Deep State class.

But who's going to succeed Schumer?  Biden?  

Stay tuned.

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