Thursday, March 14, 2024

USCC Deflecting?

Nothing is offered as proof of this item:

USCCB orders all Catholic churches to place note in missals warning against "anti-Semitism" ahead of Good Friday.

No documentation is present at the post site.  A quick search of "USCC anti-semitism warning" produces no results.

COULD it be true?

Sure.  USCC doesn't want people paying attention to its real problem:  financing the housing, travel, and meals for an army of illegal immigrants, thus either passively or actively cooperating with the sex-, drug-, and human-trafficking cartels.  

So making a holy face over "anti-Semitism"--whatever that may be--implicitly saying that some?  manyall?  Catholics are "anti-Semite" is a great way to move the attention to those horrible Catholics.

Do not be "anti-Semite."  Instead, be anti-cartel-cooperator!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is condemning murderers still acceptable, or does genetic lineage shield actual individual behavior from disapproval? I assume we are talking about Arabs, the Semites of yore.