Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Religion of "Saving the Environment"

Back in the Good Old Days (before, say, March 13, 2013 AD), the Catholic Church's goal was to save souls.  That was the imperative.

Now, apparently, it's to "save the Environment."

“There is an urgent need to reduce the consumption not only of fossil fuels but also of so many superfluous things,” the pontiff told participants in an EU youth conference Monday. “In certain areas of the world, too, it would be appropriate to consume less meat: this too can help save the environment.”  --Pp. Francis

His Ben Franklin-type advice to reduce consumption of 'superfluous things' is sensible; watching TeeeeeeVeeeee advertisements often produces laughter at the 'need' for Product X, Y, or Z.  

We are also comfortable with his call to use energy carefully; we've 'advised' our children often that "I AM NOT PAYING TO HEAT THE WHOLE SUBDIVISION" when doors are left open, and "I AM NOT PAYING TO REFRIGERATE THE WHOLE KITCHEN" when .........yup, you get it.

But going all Bill Gates/Eat Bugs and Twigs?

No.  That's a sign of disorder, which is always a result of false religion.  In this case, it's the false Religion of Saving the Environment.  

Pp. Francis should review Canon Law.  Bp. Sample says it:

...the very last law (or “canon”) states that the “salvation of souls”, which must always be the supreme law of the Church, must be kept before our eyes....

Good advice!

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