Wednesday, November 03, 2021


Yes, there's a reason for the "+" sign.  Read on.

First, Bongino.  Many of you know he has a Cumulus Media slot.  He's on from 11-2 Central, on 890 WLS/Chicago.  You can stream it or catch it over the air within 100 miles of Chicago most days.  I like the guy--he's far more blunt and pugilistic than the 2 guys who took over Limbaugh's golden mike.  YMMV.

Bongino has been in a dispute with Cumulus ever since they told all their employees that they MUST get The Vaxx or be fired.  Bongino thinks that's just plain damn un-American and told Cumulus that either that mandate goes or Bongino goes.

Still not resolved, although he's back live as of today.  And during today's show he announced that he's launching a fund to support the Americans who have been forced out of a job due to Vaxx Mandates--such as Ascension "Catholic" health system employees.

So what? you say.....

Here's what.  Bongino is dropping $250,000.00 into the piggy bank from his own funds.  That's what.

Told you I like the guy.

Here's the "+":  

Cumulus has a Milwaukee connection.  Back in the Good Old Days, I had occasion to meet a fellow who had a wild-haired idea about creating a satellite-based agricultural 'help' system.  It was called Agri-Data Resources.  The idea was that farmers could log on/subscribe, and the company would help them with optimized planting patterns, weather forecasting, etc.  The company is no longer operating, although similar systems are in place, apparently sponsored or operated by Big Ag ops such as Deere, Case, etc.

Why is that germane?  Because the wild-haired idea guy was Richard Weening, who founded Cumulus Media.

Small world.  Who'da thunk "Milwaukee" was in that mix?


Anonymous said...

This Teacher gets it right as well....... said...

nice blog, i like this post.