Saturday, April 11, 2020

Tokin'Tony and the Consent of the Governed

The title of Andy McCarthy's essay reminds us that Tokin'Tony is nearing the edge.

...The Constitution is a solemn pact. It codifies the relationship between the people and the governmental system they have created — not the other way around. Before we ever get to the legal niceties, there is the fundamental issue of government’s political legitimacy. Do officials remember who the sovereign is? (Hint: It is not they.) Are those who so portentously remind us that they are in “government service” mindful of what a servant is, and of who the master is?...

...At a certain point, a free people — nearly 17 million of whom have now filed unemployment claims in an economy that was booming just a month ago — comes to realize that the de Blasios are pleaders, not rulers. Common sense emerges in the clarity of lives torn asunder by willful acts of elected officials and faceless bureaucrats. Our DNA reminds us that governments derive their just powers only from the consent of the governed....
A friend asked when we should start the mass demonstrations to set our people free--and whether a lawsuit against Tony Evers regarding his church-closure/limitations should be initiated.

To the latter question, I suggested that such a lawsuit would not prevail--at least partially due to the roll-over-and-play-dead reaction from our Bishops.

...The preservation of a free society requires ordered liberty. The government can never forget that the objective is not order for its own sake, or for the sake of “progressive” social transformation. The point of order is the flourishing of freedom....
While Tony and his marketing aide Andrea Palm may claim that "lockdowns" and "social distancing" are preserving the lives of millions of Wisconsin citizens, the raw numbers of infections and deaths in this State tell citizens another story entirely:  aside from Dane and Milwaukee Counties, this is just another Flu-A or Flu-B.  One hopes that the Bishops take note.

May 1st looks more like the date.....

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