Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Was JFK a "Nazi Sympathizer"?

Apparently John Meacham (whoever he is) thinks John F. Kennedy was a "Nazi sympathizer," at least according to the short clip Tucker provided in this editorial.

Meacham tells us that the phrase "America First" was invented by "Nazi sympathizers".  (Well, that's what Wiki says, anyway.)

So when JFK and Lindbergh, along with Gerry Ford, Potter Stewart, Sargent Shriver, and Frank Lloyd Wright joined, they must have been "Nazi sympathizers," right?  Same with the chairmen of Sears, the Chicago Tribune, and Vicks Chemical, right?

Sure.  All Nazi sympathizers, like Bill Regnery.  Uh-huh.

Or were they just anti-interventionists who did not swallow the Globaloney of the Rockefellers, Bushes, and US Chamber of Commerce?

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