Monday, April 13, 2020

Fauci's Bureaucratic Bullshit

We have to credit The Last Refuge which--early on--warned us that Fauci was not a reliable source but that Fauci loved him some camera-time.  Nonetheless, we all paid attention to Fauci's yappaflappa.

That is a problem--for Fauci.  Because when we actually pay attention, it's clear that Fauci is very good at Bureaucratic Double-Talk.  That's the stuff that's designed to cover one's ass because it is not........exactly.........truthful.

...1.)  Dr. Fauci says he warned Trump in January that the US was in real trouble but that is not what he said publicly.

2.)  Dr. Fauci warned of an apocalyptic coronavirus pandemic — then just weeks later he later compared the coronavirus to a bad flu.

3.) Dr. Fauci based all of his predictions on garbage IHME models that were OFF BY MILLIONS and then told reporters this past week, “You can’t really rely on models.”

4.) On March 20th Dr. Fauci jumped in and “corrected” the president during a press briefing on hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial… It was given to individuals and felt that maybe it worked.”...
You get the idea.  Fauci used this technique to retain his job for decades--and long after he was responsible for blowing the call on AIDS.

Apparently Trump has figured out the Fauci Two-Step.  GOOD!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every species in DC does a good two-step, so the real issue is picking a partner who won't mash your toes... and you can't know that for sure until you dance with them.

Fauci's issues are primarily due to his proximity to Trump and the media's (both left and right) maniacal attempts to cleave the advisors from Trump. Fauci does seem to have been slow to realize that when he speaks there are no adults in the room. Despite his bureaucratic career he became toxic the second he agreed to advise Donald Trump. The poor bastard's resume buys him no credibility whatsoever.

Had Fauci been advising any president other than Trump the media would be tripping over themselves to get the guy a Nobel.