Friday, March 06, 2020

Kettle Moraine Referendum Flim-Flam

The Kettle Moraine school district is having a Big Spending referendum.  (That's the "no gun t-shirt" district, by the way.)  There is VERY good reason to vote "no," as you'll see.

They play all the usual games...

Cuts would also be required for the 2021-22 school year. They include:
  • eliminating all financial support for athletics and co-curricular activities
  • eliminating all art, music and physical education by certified staff at the elementary school level
  • eliminating world language at the middle school level
  • reducing health insurance benefits for all staff
  • eliminating all instructional coaches and instructional interventionists
  • eliminating community use of indoor facilities
The District has reduced some of its costs already, yadayada.

OK, then, what's the problem??  After all, it's only 15 cents/$1K valuation, right?

The cost of housing in the district is not comparable with neighboring communities, and affordable housing for families with young children is difficult to find, the district says on its website.
IOW, in 5-10 years or so, they will be closing a school building or two (or more).  Is this really the time to give them another $19 MILLION?

We report, you decide.

One last thing:  the article states that the health insurance policy for District employees has a $5,000.00 family deductible.  Really?  Did the most powerful Union in the State agree to THAT large a deductible--without some sort of offset?  Inquiring minds, and all that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was a KM reverendum that passed several years ago for maintenance and building upkeep to the tune of 49.6 million. NOW THEY WANT MORE. What are they doing with their operating budget. As a low income tax payer, with no children, I can't see giving them more money every time they hold their hand out. Enough is enough. They will find solutions without the referendum passing.