Friday, March 06, 2020

In Chicago US Citizens Are Second-Class

You've read the story.  The City of Chicago is a "sanctuary" city, so when a criminal (and) illegal alien was released from jail, Chicago did not co-operate with ICE to remove him from the USA.

Instead, Chicago authorities simply released him.

So he raped a three-year-old girl.

Does Chicago say "Sorry, we screwed up!"

HELL, no!

[ICE officials are] critical because we have said very clearly we are a welcoming city, a sanctuary city. Chicago Police Department will not cooperate with ICE on any immigration-related business. And that’s affected their ability to conduct immigration raids across the city. But that’s exactly our intention. We have to make sure our police department is seen as a legitimate force in all our communities --Chicago Mayor
Nice sleight-of-hand there.  Did you see it?

The Mayor-ette of Chicago just placed US citizens in second-class status vis-a-vis illegal alien criminals by reversing right-order priorities.  Under her policy, criminal illegal aliens get protection from the authorities, but US citizens do NOT get protection from the criminal illegal aliens.

This is why Donald J Trump will be re-elected. 

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