Thursday, May 02, 2019

Belling's Tiresome (and Un-Informed) Car-Rants

Our sympathy to Mark Belling on his stroke.  Even though he's walking and talking, it was more than a shot-across-the-bows warning; one can actually hear the difference.

However, much as Mark would like to use it as an excuse for his silliness, it ain't an excuse.  After all, we published this info on Monday--and Belling should have read it.  So when he rattles on and on about battery-cars being THE thing over the next 5 years.........well........

[Batteries] start to degrade chemically on the day they're made, and do so more-or-less linearly.  There's nothing you can do about that -- this happens even under ideal storage conditions.  In addition there's a "per-cycle" penalty too, because batteries operate through ion exchange across the electrolyte -- that is, the physical movement of ions between cathode and anode

And by the way, John the Traffic Guy is right:  the electrical grid can NOT support 20 electric cars re-charging overnight in one subdivision, much less one apartment building garage.

And shut up with your 'lights on' crusade, Mark.  If YOU can't see a 5-foot X 6-foot object in front of you on the freeway, use Layton Avenue.  The rest of us know how to drive.

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