Sunday, May 26, 2019

Flop-Sweats, Chapter 4

The cabal of Feebs, "Justice" officials, spooks, and assorted Obozo White House appointees are now in Chapter Four of Flop-Sweat--The Epic Coup Gone Wrong.


...A former senior intelligence official who served in the Obama administration said their principle [sic] concern is that the attorney general, hand-picked by Trump, could declassify and release selective bits to make the previous administration and former senior officials look bad. The former official spoke on the condition that the official would not be named in order to describe the concerns of intelligence professionals....--quoted at Cold Fury

Maybe the Commie Brennan?  How about Susan Rice?  Or "The Clap"??  Comey?  Hot-Pants and Stroker??  

Anyhow, the "previous administration" looks like a pile of San Francisco ......ahhh.........treats......without any 'selective bits' being released.  Smells the same, too.

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