Saturday, February 02, 2019

R.I. Governor-Butcher-"Catholic"

Another Cuomo Wannabee surfaces, claiming to be "Catholic" but supporting radical Kill-the-Baby bills.  Surprise!  She's a Democrat.

...the two abortion expansion bills (2019-H 5127 and 2019-H 5127) go far beyond Roe v. Wade.
Both H 5127 and H 5125 would "eliminate any constitutional restrictions on late-term abortions" and "eliminate any constitutional restrictions on methods of abortion."

It would also "undermine the authority of the State and the Department of Health from enacting and adopting constitutional restrictions on the performance of abortions at facilities where abortions are performed." And, it would "require the State to pay for all abortions sought by Medicaid-eligible pregnant women and women covered by the “payer of last Resort” program."

In addition, H 5127 would "repeal existing constitutional protection for a viable unborn child from criminal assaults on the child’s mother and H 5125 would substantially 'water down' the State’s parental consent statute by allowing consent to be obtained from persons who have no constitutional right to give consent (grandparents and adult siblings)."

“Neither H 5127 nor H 5125 could plausibly be regarded as merely 'codifying' the principles of Roe v. Wade,” states Rhode Island Right to Life....
This is Bp. Tobin's territory and he has a reputation for being ferociously pro-life.  Well, Excellency, we'll pray for you as you armor up....

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