Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wanna Protest? Here's the Agenda!!

Ritholtz proposes three eminently popular protest themes.

No more bailouts/Bring Back Real Capitalism!  ...“Corporate Welfare” – the term coined by Wisconsin senator William Proxmire – came into being in 1971 with the bailout of Lockheed Aircraft. Thus began a run of corporatism, not capitalism...

End Too Big To Fail/Restore Competition  ...“Too Big to Fail” is itself a failure. It reduces economic competition, concentrates risk, and raises costs for consumers...

Take Congress back from Wall Street  ...The United States has become a “corporatocracy.”...

We could add Replace Positive Law with Natural Law Principles, but that might be a bit esoteric for a fall Saturday.

1 comment:

Adam said...

This reminded me of an article I wrote once upon a time