Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Exceptionally Classy EntitledTown Assholes

Patrick has the video of the EntitledTown assholes. You will NOT believe who they cut off for today's classy stunt.

Kinda makes me think of my chem-lab days, mixing butyl compounds for maximum stench-effect. They can be encapsulated, you know.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you're sounding like the Sarah Palin haters. What scares you most about these folks?

neomom said...

Um... they crashed a ceremony honoring participants in the Special Olympics dressed as zombies.

That puts them in the same category as the Westboro ****heads.

VSO said...

What scares me most about those assholes is the level of malignant narcissim [spelling?] petrified adolescence, arrested emotional development and their complete insensitivity to special olympians by pulling a Kanye. Only makes sense since Palin has a "retard baby" and therefore in their minds these kids are in the same league.

Stay classy

Amy said...

What scares you most about these folks?

They vote, for starters. They're mean, inconsiderate, childish, and stupid, too.

Display Name said...

Looked like a rather silent protest to me.

J. Strupp said...

Looked like a bunch of asshole kids to me.

Display Name said...

Come on, Strupp, there's no need for ad-hominem against the MacGuyver kids. They've got their Flipcams and the will to walk across the street to use them!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but even though this group stooped to new lows, they DO NOT represent the majority of protestors in Madison (proper spelling) AND they have every right to do it, despite our revulsion.

Dad29 said...

Sure. And I have every right to place skunks in their tents, too.

Doesn't make it the right thing to do.

Really glad that you came by to tell us how to spell EntitledTown, by the way......