Friday, September 17, 2010

Ruh-Roh. POTUS Dislikes the Job More than FLOTUS

This is interesting.

Newsflavor interviews "an insider" who was active in the HopenChange campaign and in the transition.

But after Obama was sworn in, things began to change? Almost immediately. Obama loved to campaign. He clearly didn’t like the work of being President though, and that attitude was felt by the entire White House staff within weeks after the inauguration. Obama the tireless, hard working candidate became a very tepid personality to us. And the few news stories that did come out against him were the only things he seemed to care about. He absolutely obsesses over Fox News. For being so successful, Barack Obama is incredibly thin-skinned. He takes everything very personally.

...So if Obama doesn’t appear interested in the job of president, what does he do day after day?
Well, he takes his meetings just like any other president would, though even then, he seems to lack a certain focus and on a few occasions, actually leaves with the directive that be given a summary of the meeting at a later date. I hear he plays a lot of golf, and watches a lot of television – ESPN mainly. I’ll tell you this – if you want to see President Obama get excited about a conversation, turn it to sports. That gets him interested.

So how bad are things at the White House these days? I don’t know about right now, because I have not been there in over a month. But I still hear things, and I know what it was like when I left. It’s not good. As bad as it might look to voters based on what they do know, it’s much worse. The infighting is off the charts. You got a Chief of Staff who despises cabinet members, advisors who despise the Chief of Staff, a President and First Lady having their own issues

Yes, there's more, and it concerns Biden, the Clintons, and FLOTUS, too.

Couldn't happen to a nicer Marxist.


neomom said...

I always question anonymous sources a bit... But if even half of this is true...

Dan said...

I wonder how the left will react. They will probably blow it of but they never did that when Bush was in office.

Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said...

"insider"....."gone over a month".....Christina Romer?

J. Strupp said...

Maybe its TMZ. Maybe one of those magazines at the check out line at Pick n' Save?

Anonymous said...

How mighty Christian of you to spread rumors using anonymous sources! Well, it is Sunday, so time to repent!

Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said...

Hey, Anon....Bite Me.

Dad29 said...

Maybe, Struppster, the mag-a-rag that nailed Edwards?

You remember, don't you? Nobody ELSE ran the story--precisely because it was TRUE.

neomom said...

To go with Deekaman's thoughts... I am thinking Peter Orzag instead of Romer. He'd have been closer and has already publicly contradicted the Admin on the extension of the GWB tax cuts.

Anonymous said...

Dad29--Maybe, Struppster, the mag-a-rag that nailed Edwards?

Ah, but the difference is that there had been SEVERAL sources with CREDIBLE evidence, some anonymous and some who went public, who had talked about the likelihood of Edwards' love child before that story broke.

Deekamen, go to church and say you're sorry. I do!