Monday, August 11, 2008

Why Registration Fraud Is Important

Folkbum's right: the ACORN folks were not committing "vote fraud."

But what about "Registration Fraud"?

In Texas:

...In a review of the past six years, Callanen said 330 undocumented people had registered to vote, and that 41 of them had voted — even though they later acknowledged they were not U.S. citizens.

The 330 people had received jury duty summons cards because their names were culled from the county's voter registration rolls.

Callanen said 41 people admitted voting, some in multiple elections, between 2001 and 2007. Each one said they were unaware they could not register or vote...

... Republican legislators in a number of states, including Texas, have tried repeatedly to toughen the law by requiring voters to present one or more forms of identification. They say it is necessary to preserve the integrity of elections.

Democrats generally oppose such ballot security measures — calling them a back door effort to disenfranchise the elderly and minorities, who traditionally vote Democratic and who tend not to carry multiple forms of identification with their picture...

Deputy Registrars, indeed...

HT: Ace


Display Name said...

Gee, then link to Folkbum. Or get out there and point out to your right-winged buddies that they've got the story wrong.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, John, us right wingers got it right.
ACORN has been submitting fraudlent all across the country. I highly suspect that many of the 35,000 of the forms they submitted in Milwaukee are fraudlent as well, based on their behavior in other areas.