Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The D O'D Fallacy in Cost-of-Living

We've never particularly cared for Dan O'Donnell.  So when he writes a column which includes a huge fallacy about "cost of living," we're happy to share.

Danny-Boy's major premise is that inflation has hurt Americans.  That is true.

But then he goes off the rails.  After citing the increase in prices for homes since 2020, and the increase in rates in the same time period, O'Donnell comes to a conclusion that the 'average American' is getting hit with a $952/month "inflation tax" all-in:  food, fuel, housing, vehicles.

That's a lot of money.

But only if you buy a home every 4 years, or take out a new mortgage every 4 years.

You might buy a new (or new-used) car every 4 years.  And you WILL pay about 20% more for food than back then--unless you stopped eating.

But housing?

Really, DannyBoy??

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