Saturday, January 20, 2024

Biden To Beat Trump? Only With Fraud, Again

Something that all the Trump-Hate crowd (professional Republicans included) continue to miss:  black voter turnout for Biden is going to be terrible, which means that the FraudVote gang has a LOT of work to do.

This article doesn't get to the point for a long time, but here's a hint about 2024:

...Wisconsin's voter turnout in the 2016 election was the lowest in two decades, with 3,000 fewer people voting for a presidential candidate that year than in the U.S. Senate race on the same ballot. 

Turnout was down especially in the state's most populous county, where Hillary Clinton received about 39,000 fewer votes than Obama did in 2012. Vote totals in Milwaukee County were even lower than the 2004 election turnout when Obama was not on the ballot. 

Citywide turnout in 2016 dropped from 66% to 57% of voting-age residents and declined by more in majority-Black neighborhoods.

In the 11 wards in Milwaukee that are more than 95% Black, voter turnout dropped from 75% in 2012 to 55% in 2016. ...

So what?

Here's what:  Biden has ZERO 'connection' to the black community and his campaign offers nothing except Trump-bashing.  That won't cut it with black voters.


Enthusiasm breeds turnout which wins elections (except in Wisconsin where cheating wins.)

Total lack of enthusiasm?  That means Dane, Milwaukee, Racine, Brown, and Kenosha counties have to manufacture at least 100,000 fraudulent votes.

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