Monday, January 29, 2024

A Warning From Z-Man

Once you read this, you slap your forehead and exclaim "Of COURSE!!"

...This is what makes the Texas border showdown an interesting thing. All of a sudden, we get word that Mitch McConnell is telling his party that the politics of immigration have flipped and they need to rally to Trump on the issue. Then Greg Abbott finds his inner confederate and defies the Feds with regards to the razor wire he had installed in a public park that sits along the border. Finally, we have every Republican governor rallying to his side in this fight with the Feds.

The first thing to consider here is that the Republican Party is the party of scheming perfidious finks, so whatever they are doing is not on the level. This is a party that selects for people who live to fink. They should just rename the party to “The Fink Party” but that would be a degree of candor no fink could muster. That also means that their sudden embrace of immigration and Trump’s position on it is not on the level. They are up to shenanigans because it is their nature....

Aside from Romney, Ryan, and Graham, there are others.  Lankford (see below post) comes to mind.

 ...There may be something more perfidious afoot. Those court cases are still ongoing and one of them is scheduled to start in March. That means Trump is still in legal jeopardy and could be removed from the ticket. The issue is timing. They could not conjure an alternative in the primaries, so maybe they are looking to get a replacement ready, perhaps as his running mate. In other words, maybe word went out that there is a casting call for who will be Trump’s future replacement.

From the scheming weasel point of view, this is a good save to the official narrative that had Trump dropping out by the end of 2023. He cruises along winning delegates, picks a regime approved running mate and then is convicted in the summer. The party then does some hand wringing and decides to expel him from the party and tab his running mate as the party nominee. “We really hate to do this but with Trump facing jail time, we have to go with his top choice to replace him.”...

Z-Man, a fellow innocent of real plots, forgets to mention the most obvious:  assassination.  Like what JFK and Epstein got.

That's where the big money is.


Anonymous said...

This is a party that selects for people who live to fink: think Mike Dewine Gov of Ohio vetoing tranny surgery mutilation prohibition and boys in girls sport’s prohibition and then being overruled by the Ohio house and senate.

Mike Dewine is the poster boy for fink.

Anonymous said...

Trump is not a Fink and I love the idea of a trade war!

……..Trump has told advisers he wants to impose a 60% tariff on all imports from China if he wins this year’s election……
