Friday, September 15, 2023

MORE "Good RoJo" Today!!

 A few posts down, you'll note that RoJo called Mitch McChiCom 'out of step.'  That was our first "ATTABOY" post on Ron Johnson, (R-WI).

Here's the second:

The Senate's bipartisan spending bonhomie hit a pretty significant rough patch on Thursday after progress stalled on its first package of spending bills — mostly due to conservative opposition....

 ...Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) blocked an attempt by Senate Appropriations Chair Patty Murray (D-Wash.) to bring a number of amendments, which would have been equally divided between Republicans and Democrats, up for a vote. Johnson is objecting to bundling measures that would fund the departments of Agriculture and Transportation with the bill that would set spending for military construction and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

"This place is completely out of control, completely dysfunctional. Quite honestly, we should have been bringing up these appropriations bills in May, June, July, you know, pass a budget, then go through an orderly process one appropriation bill at a time," Johnson said....

Politico blasts RoJo's move as obstructing "progress."

We call it "Responsible Representation."


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