Thursday, October 13, 2022

Who Gets to Vote in a War?

It's an old truism:  the ENEMY determines when the war is over--not you.

...Something the pundits miss: This will be over when the Russians decide it's over--that is, when the Russians decide their security interests have been met. The Russians have laid out very clearly what they expect. This has been going on for 8 years now, not just 8 months. The West made the decision not to negotiate--that was the West's decision. So Russia is the one who will decide, now, when this ends. Nobody in the West seems to get that....

Based on what Tucker keeps saying, all of D.C. is pushing for a 'limited tactical' NUKE WAR.  The pissant bozo who is currently the dictator in Ukraine is now making demands on the US Treasury (a fresh FIFTY FIVE BILLION), apparently to complement his demand that the US nuke Russia peremptorily.

Have you confronted your elected "representatives" about this?

We notice here in Wisconsin that Sen. Johnson--who voted FOR the $40 BILLION "aid" package to Ukraine--has been dead silent about it ever since giving what was obviously a pure bullshit make-it-up-as-you-go "answer" to a Green Bay talker.  He sounded like a babbling idiot, and he knew it; so....

He's made it clear to the local RadioMouth fluffers that he will NOT address the issue.


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