Friday, October 28, 2022

What's Missing Here?

Alan Borsuk is far more 'reporter' than 'propagandist', which makes him very different from Little Pravda's herd of Socialist/Democrat Party typists.

Yet Borsuk leaves a gaping hole in his story on the Education Disaster that is Milwaukee Public Schools (and many other Wisconsin districts).

...Elements of success. Both in the NAEP results and much more broadly, there are few surprises in the list of elements connected to kids’ school success: Stable, supportive personal situations. Good relationships with adults, both at home and in school. Good resources. High-quality school leaders and teachers. Schools with cultures that are both warm and ambitious in pursuing goals. So what is being done on these fronts? At individual schools, including some in the heart of Milwaukee, a lot....

What's missing from that graf?

The names of the 'individual the heart of Milwaukee', that's what.

But we have our suspicions, and will bet we're right.

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