Friday, October 14, 2022

Paulie-Boy Ryan Lists Enemies of MAGA

Very nice of Paulie-Boy to make a list of people who should not be President.

...Speaking Wednesday at the Robin Hood conference before billionaires Steve Cohen and Paul Tudor Jones went on stage, Paul Ryan noted the GOP 2024 nominee will be “someone other than Donald Trump.”

According to a recording of his talk, Ryan named Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott as his three favorites....

Ryan seems rather certain that Trump will not be the nominee in '24.

That raises the question:  does Paulie-Boy know something, or is he just whistling past the graveyard of traditional Republican "values," like Perma-War, ObamaCare Forever, and Cut Taxes! To Hell With the Deficit, Spend, Spend, Spend!!!

What a  yootch this guy turned out to be.

He states that Trump "will lose" the election because he is unpopular.

Ryan ought to know about losing big elections.


Anonymous said...

I intensely dislike Paul Ryan as well, but really, it’s time for good conservatives to notice that Donald Trump played us all and threw us and our country under the bus. He may have said some of the right things, but his betrayals of basic American principles led to a destruction of fundamental rights that no leftist could have accomplished. I hope and pray that God will have mercy on us and give us a better choice next time. However, I can’t help but think that Donald Trump may have actually ended any chance for free elections in America going forward. His abject failure to stand up for Americans’ freedom during the covid scam, putting us all under house arrest and permitting the undermining of election integrity as he did, has made it highly unlikely that we will ever be able to vote our country out of this mess.

Dad29 said...

If your Big Complaint has to do with Covid, you'll have to explain how any OTHER President would have acted, but here's a hint: Andrew Cuomo. Trump is not the first man to fall for Medicine-Scam.

If your Big Complaint is that he over-spent like a drunken sailor, we agree.

Further, your ignorance of Constitutional election provisions (and election laws) is astonishing. Go and buy a clue.