Thursday, October 13, 2022

On Tulsi Gabbard's "Quit"

She looks a lot better than Bernie, bikini or not.  But she's a universe or two away from being a 'conservative.'

...Where Rep Ocasio-Cortez and her squad comically talk only about the crackpot socialist positions with which the public disagrees, Tulsi Gabbard only talks about the rational positions that she shares with you and me. Gabbard speaks thoughtfully and articulately, and we nod approvingly.  And why shouldn't we?  

But a review of her record - both in terms of political campaign speeches and published positions, and her substantial  congressional voting record - reveal that the number of issues on which everyday Americans agree with Tulsi Gabbard are surprisingly few indeed. Her lifetime legislative rating with the ACU, for example, is 8%.  Yes, that's eight out of a hundred, putting her among the most leftist politicians in America.

All this puts Gabbard in a rather unique position on the American political scene.  To a carefully developed national audience, she seems like one of us... but she really isn't.

On the issues that matter... from tax rates to environmental regulation, from healthcare to energy production... in short, on the issues that a legislator votes on, or that a president issues executive orders and directs regulators on... Tulsi Gabbard is much more of a Clinton/Obama/Biden clone than you'd ever expect....

We noticed that when she was running for the (D) nom back in 2020.  

IIRC, she's very shaky on the 2A, as well.

Maybe Tucker will get over his infatuation with her, and maybe not.  If he doesn't, just remember that he's from Californicate.


Anonymous said...

It's great that Gabbard withdrew from the Democratic party; gives them some negative press as we get close . She doesn't like the military recklessness of the Democratic party. sigh...the military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

That being said, she's a Bernie Sanders person of the first water.

Mar said...

Who said she is a conservative?
She's not. She's a moderate.
But in the Democrat party, she is the Alex Jones of Democrats.

Anonymous said...

I will take her over Susan CollinsAnytime