Saturday, October 08, 2022

Just Gorka the B****rds

Seb Gorka says 'time's up!' and declares open war.

...When I see rampant lies being propagated, lies which endanger and weaken the fabric of America and even endanger us, I’m not interested in pussyfooting around the important issues, or just being “nice.” America doesn’t have time for nice. Just look at the last few years.

It’s not just the likes of General Mike Flynn or Steve Bannon who are being assailed by a politicized executive and Federal law enforcement. Recently a pro-life father of seven was just raided at his home by two dozen FBI agents armed with AR-15s pointed at his wife as his children screamed. The charge? Shoving a foul-mouthed pro-abortion activist who was hurling abuse at his 12-year-old son. (An accusation that had already been dropped by a local court). Or how about the DoJ colluding with the National School Board Association to use the Patriot Act’s counterterrorism authorities to “investigate” American parents who simply want their children to go back to school? None of these perversions of our judicial and law enforcement system would suggest to me that we should “play nice.” When the FBI is a political cudgel for one party we are beyond the bonds of politeness and regular political decorum....

...Politics as usual is not enough. The Marquis of Queensbury rules so respected by establishment conservatives will no longer suffice. Everyone who cares about the future of the greatest experiment in democracy must become a truth-teller....

... In the face of all this people respond atavistically to someone they see standing up to the abuse. ... And that’s largely the appeal of my former Boss. Being pugnacious when the world is clearly insane and the “elite” is making things worse is automatically attractive. Mean tweets? Yes please if it means no war in Europe, inflation under 2%, gas under $2 a gallon, a secure border, a growing 401K, and children not being sterilized in the name of “inclusivity.”..

So yah.  Punch back, and punch back hard.  Call a lie a lie; make them eat their own bullshit publicly.

They'll resent you for it.  If that bothers you, you're not part of the solution.  You're Mitt Romney, Linnnnnnndseeeeey! Graham, or Paul Ryan.


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