Sunday, September 04, 2022

Defund Only ONE? Why Stop There?

This is a very neat rule!

...The Holman Rule was created in 1876 and named after an Indiana congressman who conceived of letting any member of Congress move to amend an appropriations bill to single out a government employee or cut a specific program. The measure would have to be approved by a majority of lawmakers in the House and Senate....

OK.  So what?

Well, after the Red Wave of this November, things are going to change in DC, especially since Lady Lindsey Graham won't have much to do with a HOUSE rule.

 ...Biggs believes the rule could be further adapted to reduce the pay of any government witness who refuses to comply with a congressional subpoena seeking evidence or testimony.

"I anticipate further obstruction on the part of Merrick Garland," he said. "But we may have to find a way, to devise a way to go around Merrick Garland to get these people to come in. And that's why I think [what] we need to do first and foremost is reinstate the Holman rule, so that we get to hold people like Merrick Garland responsible.

"And that Holman rule allows the Congress to basically defund an individual bureaucrat, who is willfully ... violating the subpoena power and oversight power of the United States Congress."...

Modify it to de-fund an entire agency or department and use it that way.  Saves a lot of time--and money--which is in extremely short supply after 30 years of Pissing It Away by Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi.

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