Sunday, September 04, 2022

"Manly" Reporters Fear Pitchforks/Torches

Bice--an old man--expresses the stark, raving, fear that news reporters mockingbird propagandists have for such Weapons of Mass Destruction (!!!) as pitchforks and torches.

...Michels went on the attack against the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel over a story about his foundation's giving $250,000 to anti-gay and anti-abortion groups in 2020. 

Speaking on conservative talker Vicki McKenna's show on Thursday afternoon, the Brownsville construction executive called the story "crazy" and "absurd" in his fiery remarks. 

"I believe people should just be ready to get out into the streets with pitchforks and torches with how low the liberal media has become," Michels said. "People need to decide, ‘Am I going to put up with this? Am I going to tolerate this — taking somebody that gives money to churches or cancer research and use that as a hit piece in the media?’ I’m appalled. It’s disgusting.”...

In fact, Michels was attacked for donating money to churches; the same churches to which hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin voters donate.  But those are not the Churches of Baby-Killing and Sodomy for Kindergarteners--the ones progressive reporters prefer.

Michels--like Trump--is a threat to the Progressive Dystopia Society.  That's why Manly Men like Bice fear him.

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