Sunday, September 04, 2022

Pathetic Jesuit: Fr. Martin

A favorite of Stephen Colbert will not understand that humility is a virtue.

Fr. James Martin, LBGTQ+SJ:

...Quoting Bishop Donald DeGrood of the Diocese of Sioux Falls’ pastoral guidelines which ban Catholic students from advocating, celebrating and expressing “same-sex attraction” and transgenderism, Martin said “people should be able to, and encouraged to, ‘celebrate’ who they are and, more importantly, how God made them, including LGBTQ people.” ...


Do heterosexual men run around 'celebrating themselves,' Fr. Jimmy?  


Actual men and women go about their business, working, raising children, fishing, paying taxes, contributing to the community.  They do not spend time 'celebrating themselves'--which is actually mental masturbation.

Humility calls us to STFU.  You should try it sometime.

1 comment:

P. O'Brien said...

If you "celebrate" your mortal sins, you cannot be forgiven.