Tuesday, July 12, 2022

"Stretchin' Gretchen" Whitmer, Liar Extraordinaire

Looks like Stretchin' Gretchen Whitmer, Governor-ette of Michigan, is at least as much a liar as is Joe Biden.  Or maybe that alleged doctor in Ohio.

...three months after the Justice Department failed to win a single conviction in the kidnapping conspiracy, a case the government considers one of its biggest domestic terror investigations in decades, not one reporter has pushed Whitmer to explain what she knew and when she knew it. Further, her public comments and FBI testimony presented during the trial earlier this year indicate Whitmer and her family knew well before the public did and that she was never in danger. Plenty of evidence suggests Whitmer was in on the scheme for months....

Julie Kelly does not make mistakes in journalism.

Whitmer has the Paul Ryan whiny-cry down pat, too.

 ....Whitmer also complained that the attack on her is described as a “kidnapping plot” instead of an “assasination plot,” as the media correctly describes the near-miss murder of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh last month. “Does anyone think these kidnappers wanted to keep me or ransom me?” she whined to Cramer. “No. They were going to put me on trial and then execute me. It was an assassination plot, but no one talks about it that way. Even the way people talk about it has muted the seriousness of it.”

What has “muted” the “seriousness” of the plot isn’t Whitmer’s gender but the fact at least a dozen FBI undercover agents and informants working with FBI handlers at multiple FBI field offices in the eastern half of the country stitched together the random group of innocents who did not know each other before the government got involved....

The US Attorney suddenly recused himself from the re-trial.  No reason is given, but since he was house counsel for Whitmer, there's room to speculate that he actually knew about the "plot" before it happened, too.

...Whitmer, for her part, can spin the story as hard as she wants but that doesn’t change the facts; the FBI entrapped innocent men to validate the agency’s false claims that “domestic violent extremists” loyal to Trump pose a dire threat to the country. 

The governor, up for re-election in November, is far from the victim here. In fact, it appears that Whitmer, and possibly one of her top advisors, were accomplices not innocents....

Lying.  It's what Democrats do!

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