Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Law Is So Oooooooold!

The Wisconsin statute that outlaws abortion (life of the mother exception) is not valid because it's old.


(What about the other manslaughter offenses, written at the same time?  Never mind.)

BabyKiller lawyers will undoubtedly sue the State in a Dane County court and--if you're a betting man--you can safely bet that a Dane County judge will agree:  old is invalid.

Might even be an old judge who makes that decision.


Anonymous said...

Evers finally gives a logical explanation for all of the pardons and clemencies he has been handing out. No one should be punished for old laws.

Anonymous said...

The Wisconsin Constitution authorizing the existence of the Dane County Circuit Court was enacted in 1848 (or would that be the Wisconsin Territory Organic Act enacted in 1836?). Either way, the Dane County Circuit Court is OLD and therefore the court is invalid.

What percentage of political problems in Wisconsin have I just solved?

Headless Blogger said...

Ironically, deep RED Mississippi has a newer and much more lenient abortion law. Wisconsin's Dems had 49 years to pass something similar, with help from our Republicans. But it was all or nothing for them, and now they've got nothing.