Monday, June 06, 2022

Deliberate Ruin of the US Economy? YES.

Below we mention The Cabal's plan for further steep increases in the price of gasoline.  Separately, last week the regional electricity management authority forecast the possibility of blackouts in the Midwest, due to the Green regulations put into place over the last decade or so.  (See the hardly-used coal-fired powerplant in Pleasant Prairie, WI, or the early-shutdown nuke in Lower Michigan, e.g.)

You are a fool if you think this is all due to stupidity in this AdministrationIt's part of their plan, just like the inflation you're seeing and the now rapidly-dwindling economy.

Here's another part:

...The ultra-leftist Biden Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, appears on ABC with George Stephanopoulos to discuss the solutions to the massive economic collapse that looms all around us.  Within the interview Buttigieg states the Biden administration goal is to use the high cost of living (policy driven inflation) as an opportunity for the government to take over household expenses and create equity via government distribution.

If reasonable people do not intervene quickly, the executive branch and legislative branch will move to begin subsidizing and controlling medicine, childcare, housing and food costs by diverting tax dollars into the social equity system. ...

That makes the New Deal and the War on Poverty into micro-plans.  If you think Government controls far too much now, wait a year or so.

Buy.  More.  Ammo. 

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