Saturday, June 04, 2022

AP "Catholic" Poll? 70% Are Not Catholic!

AP sinks to Joe BidenšŸ¤” level of "truth."

The AP reported: “The hardline stances of many conservative Catholic bishops in the U.S. are not shared by a majority of lay Catholics. Most of them say abortion should be legal, favor greater inclusion of LGBT people, and oppose the denial of Communion for politicians who support abortion rights, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research,”...

Oh, really?

Reading on, we find that only 30%+ of the respondents (358) to that poll were Catholic.  Somehow, the pollster found 'a majority of Catholics' based on an N of 358?


Jeremiah Alphonsus on Youtube said...

Actually, this seems about right. After all, well over 70% of “Catholics” take communion in the hand at the Novus Ordo (Anti)Mass. Thus there are particles everywhere on the ground. Yet they continue going there and walking around, and therefore trampling on the particles, thereby proving that they don’t really believe in the Real Presence.

Anonymous said...

Propaganda, like almost everything else we get from the media.