Thursday, November 18, 2021

Saule Omarova, the Build Back Bolshevik Candidate!!

Bai-Den (yes, the Chinese Communist spelling) picks 'em really good.

Saule Omarova is Bai-Den's pick for Comptroller of the Currency, one of two Federal agencies which oversees commercial banks.  Her education includes a degree at Moscow University where she was a Lenin scholarship winner.  She moved to UW-Madison to acquire a degree in political science (and a conviction for shoplifting), then to Northwestern for a Pritzker Law School degree.

How Communist is she?

Well......she has advocated for the abolition of 'regular' bank accounts.  Instead, she wants all of us to be forced to use the Federal Reserve as our bank for checking, savings, etc.  Yah, the Fed--the best-known name in customer service!  And--co-incidentally--the very best place for the Government if it wants to take your money as punishment for not getting Vaxxed, or something like that.

Another kinda interesting note from Wiki:

...Omarova is noted for her support for a "National Investment Authority" (NIA),[16] a proposal she has likened to New Deal-era programs. The proposal was first developed in 2015 in conjunction with Robert C. Hockett, a fellow Professor of Law at Cornell Law School.[17] Omarova has stated that an NIA would be responsible for "devising, financing, and executing a long-term national strategy of economic development and reconstruction."[18]...
Joe McCarthy was right. FDR's regime WAS full of Communists.  If Bai-Den has his way, his regime will be just like FDR's.


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