Saturday, November 06, 2021

Pelosi's Very Own Gulag

Why, yes!!  Nancy Pelosi, well-known "Catholic" abortion pusher, also has her very own Gulag--just like Catholics have--in D.C.

...Morss met with his attorney, John C. Kiyonaga, in advance of a status hearing scheduled for Friday afternoon. After Morss returned to the so-called "pod," prison guards informed him he would need to be strip searched.

By telephone from the jail Thursday afternoon, Morss told me this was the fifth time he has been subjected to a strip search, but this time, guards ordered him to remove his underwear. "There were five guards there including a few I didn't know," Morss told me. "I asked for literature that authorized the strip search and they refused to answer."

A female guard with a cell phone repeatedly asked Morss if he was resisting the strip search. Morss said officers with the ERT -- he said it stands for Emergency Response Team-- then handcuffed him and put him in a "black room" with a chair. One prison guard, Corporal Armstrong, was present as well. "They shoved me around and maced me," Morss said. "When I opened my mouth, they pointed the can of mace toward my mouth."

Morss' "humiliating" search included graphic details of a sexual nature.--Julie Kelly quoted at Ace of Spades.

One wonders when Nancy will be placed in similar confinement for her far worse crimes against America and its citizens--both born and pre-born.

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