Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Chamber of Commerce Advocates Biz Suicides

The US Chamber of Commerce has long been anti-American.  It's so full of Globaloney that its eyes are pink.

But we never expected it to be anti-business.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Monday recommended that businesses implement President Joe Biden’s vaccine and testing requirements, despite a federal court order that has temporarily halted the rules.

“Ultimately the courts are going to decide, but employers still need to take this as a live ETS until it is definitively shut down,” Marc Freedman, the Chamber’s vice president of employment policy, said of the emergency temporary standard. “They should not bank on the preliminary actions of the 5th Circuit,” he told CNBC in a statement....

Well, then.  Let's see how many businesses take the advice of the Chamber.  

Who needs all those employees, anyway, huh??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's up to business owners and people of goodwill to tell the US Chamber of Commerce to stick it up their arses.